Optimise your site, submit ALL pages to top 50 Search Engines to get maximum saturation, and monitor what happens. The essentials of Search Marketing.
The TRAFFIC BUILDER service is designed to do just this.
…is designed to get you top rankings in all the major search engines, keep you up there and ensure your web based sales increase.
I describe the service below in detail but in essence it follows the teachings in my seminar events – that to gain consistent top 10 performance your site needs to be optimised for the major search engines ( without trying to mislead them) then submitted and monitored on a regular basis. It works wonderfully well and will undoubtedly bring you more business.
The service comprises 3 elements…
1. Site Analysis and Improvement Report
2. Implementation of Recommendations
3. On-going Site Submission and Reporting
1. This is a comprehensive report which will make recommendations about keywords, phrases, site structure and other points which, when implemented, will increase the number and type of visitors to your site and ensure the traffic is aligned to your web marketing objectives.
Further it will address all the areas preventing your site achieving optimum rankings with all major search engines, for example problems that result from the use of technologies such as flash, javascript, dynamically created sites and frame sets etc, and advise on how to overcome them.
2. You will need to carry out work to implement the recommendations. ( Or we could do it for you) In some cases this may be trivial but in others require more effort. We will advise on the essentials and those areas which could be implemented at a later date.
3. We will then submit the site to the major search engines and directories. Specifically around 50 which collectively cover over 95% of all searches. The rankings will be reviewed on a monthly basis and re-submissions manually carried out (in accordance with the search engine rules) if and when necessary to give higher rankings.
NB The reason for including some major directories is to ensure you are getting some significant in bound links which also helps your ranking.
A report will be generated on a monthly basis showing the position – with a live link into each engine so the position can be verified. The overall objective here is to systematically move higher up the rankings over a period of time such that eventually top ten rankings are achieved for all the major search engines.
The first report is sent to you approximately 6 weeks after the recommendations we make have been implemented, thereafter monthly.
Its essential, its low cost and it works – for pricing contact or call 01928 788100