There are two sections to this report – Section 1 outlines the main principles of on-page SEO work; Section 2 then goes on to give specific detail about how to optimise the seasonedpioneers web pages.
Section 1: On Site SEO Guidelines
Title Tag
The Title Tag of a page is the main title for that page so this is very important to the page. The Title Tag should include all of the phrases that a page is optimised for and if possible should include the most important phrase at the start.
When writing a Title Tag it is important to remember that this will be included in the search engine results as the main link to your website.
Remember when writing a Title Tag:
- Google will display 66 characters of the Title Tag so if possible the Title Tag should not exceed this size (we have seen that up to 100 characters is okay);
- Try not to repeat words more than three times because this will make the Title Tag look repetitive;
- Use a capital letter at the start of each word so that the Title Tag stands out more than competitors;
- Use symbols rather than text to save space. For example use an & rather than and.
The title tag will have a strong impact on your search engine rankings
Meta Data
The Meta Data is a set of tags that you can include in the head code (<head>) of each website page that gives browsers and search engines more information about the page. There are a large number of tags that can be used including Meta Description, Meta Keywords, Meta Refresh and many more.
Most of the Meta Data is not important to search engines so we recommend only including the Meta Description and Meta Keywords. Unless you need other Meta Data it shouldn’t be used because they are reducing the text to code ratio.
Meta Description
This is an overall description about the contents of the page. This is a summary of the page. It is important to the page and should be used in the optimisation process.
The Meta Description needs to include the keyphrases that the page is optimised for.
A well written Meta Description will be included in the search engine results below the Title Tag so it is important that a lot of thought goes into writing this text.
Remember when writing a Meta Description:
- Google will display between 150-160 characters so it is important to try and stay to this length;
- Include Call To Action; this is text to prompt people to click on you link instead of other people links. This is normally a selling point;
- As with the Title Tag try not to repeat any phrases more than three times.
The description tag will not have a strong impact on your search engine rankings – but will be an important factor to maximise click through rates
Meta Keywords
The Meta Keywords used to be an extremely important part of the optimisation process. In the past this was the main attribute search engines used to place websites in their results. Nowadays this is not the case but it is important to include the keyphrases that are included in the code and on page content. This will let the search engines know which phrases you are optimising the pages for.
Remember when writing Meta Keywords:
- Only use phrases that are in the Title Tag, Meta Description and On Page Content;
- Include the main keyphrase at the start of this tag;
- Separate each keyphrase with a comma and a space;
- Use phrases instead of individual words where possible;
- Don’t use to many phrases – Try to keep this between 2 and 8 phrases.
Heading Tags
Heading Tags are used in websites in a similar way to documents. Each document should only have one main heading and can have multiple sub headings. This is the same with websites. Each page should have one main heading; known as a H1 Tag and can have multiple sub headings (H2, H3, H4 etc…).
Search engines place extra attention to words in HTML Header Tags, they show that the words included are important to the page. This is also the case for text that is bold or in highlighted colours. With this in mind, its quite important that we take advantage of the extra weighting factors of these tags.
Remember when writing Heading Tags:
- There should only be one H1 Tag per page;
- The H1 Tag should include as many of the keyphrases as possible;
- All Heading Tags will be visible to visitors to your website;
- The keyphrases should be included in the Heading Tags where possible;
- Do not hide Heading Tags.
On Page Content
Since search engines place increasingly more emphasis on content, and in particular text, it is very important that website pages contain a lot of text. We recommend an absolute minimum 300 words of content with the chosen keyphrases placed throughout this text within this text. This text should be written as naturally as possible and checked afterwards to see if the keyphrases are included enough. Around 2% is ideal, that is, two repetitions per 100 words).
The competition should be taken into account when writing text for pages. The more competitive the phrases are the more text should be written on the page.
It is important that this is well written, unique content. This content is not only important to improve search engine ranking but will also help drive enquiries.
Ideally this text should be broken up into short paragraphs which will help capture and maintain the visitors attention. Writing the text in this way will also allow the inclusion of keyphrases in the sub headings.
Ideally this text should be as near to the top of the page as possible and the first paragraph should contain the keyphrases as soon as possible.
The text should also be used to prompt visitors to contact you, visit pages you want them to go to and buy items, it is a good idea to have this type of prompt in the first paragraph and last paragraph on the page. This is text such as ‘call us now on:’, ‘contact us for more information’ (contact us is linked to your contact page) etc…
Anchor Text & Links
It’s important that search engines are able to reach individual Web pages that have services and products that are important to the website: internal link building can help improve this.
The inclusion of important keywords in the anchor text can make a big difference in the final ranking of Web pages. All search engines that matter, give significant weight to the anchor text on Web pages. It is also important to add anchor based text on the inner pages linking to both the homepage and other inner pages using the relevant keyphrases.
For example if we optimise the African Spices ( page for African Spices this phrase should be used in the text linking to this page: African Spices.
SECTION 2: Optimisation of seasonedpioneers web pages.
What follows are detailed instructions on how to optimise the webpages. The homepage is covered and then examples of the various types/categories of pages. Each page starts with a list of the keyphrases we wish to capture on the page followed by specific detailed instructions on how to optimise the metadata and content of each page.
Herbs and Spices
Buy Herbs
Buy Spices
Title Tag
Herbs and Spices, Buy Herbs, Spices & Seasoning – Seasoned Pioneers
Meta Description
Buy herbs and spices at Seasoned Pioneers. We offer a fantastic herbs, spices and seasoning range online. Buy spices and herbs from a UK specialist.
Meta Keywords
herbs and spices, seasoning, buy herbs, buy spices, herbs, spices
Herbs, Spices & Seasoning at Seasoned Pioneers
Text Recommendations
As mentioned above it is important to have a large amount of text on each page and the homepage is no exception. We recommend having at least another 300 words of text on this page.
A good place for this text would be to move the What’s New At Seasoned Pioneers section down and include a new text section here.
Within this text please include the phrases Herbs and Spices (3 times), Buy Herbs (2 times), Buy Spices (2 times) andSeasoning (5 times). When writing this and all other texts please follow the On Page Content guidelines above.
For the Call To Action on this page we recommend including both: links through to categories and sections prompting people to buy them and prompts with your phone number letting them know that there is a friendly expert waiting for any questions they might have.
Also within this text we should have links through to inner pages such as the recipes page ( using the phrase that the page is going to be optimised for as the Anchor/link text. For example:
Why not use our fantastic Recipe Finder where you can search for Type of Cuisine, Meal Type, Heat Rating, Dietary Needs and even a Herb, Spice or Seasoning you want it to contain.
Herb Shop
Buy Herbs Online
Buy Herbs and Spices
Title Tag
Herb Shop: Buy Herbs Online – Buy Herbs and Spices
Herb Shop
Buy Herbs Online
Buy Herbs and Spices
Title Tag
Herb Shop: Buy Herbs Online – Buy Herbs and Spices
Meta Description
Buy Herbs Online from the Seasoned Pioneers herb shop. Buy herbs and spices online easily with our amazing Quick Shop categorised search page.
Meta Keywords
herb shop, buy herbs online, buy herbs and spices, herbs online, herbs
Buy Herbs and Spices Online
Text Recommendations
Please include approx 100 words above the search facility and have the following phrases: Herb Shop, Buy Herbs Online andBuy Herbs and Spices once each within this text. In this text please explain that people also need to click on the category (such as CHILLI) then they can choose from the drop-down items.
Navigation tip: On the drop-down menus under each category (such as CHILLI) can this please open with one click instead of two. On websites it has always been common practice for everything to happen by either hovering over items or click once.
Under the search facility please have at least another 200 words with the following phrases: Herb Shop, Buy Herbs Online andBuy Herbs and Spices all included 2 times each. So in total each keyphrase will be included 3 times within this text.
Within both sets of text we should prompt people to contact you if they have any questions or want any advice.
Within this text we should also include links to the different cuisines promoting an alternative method of searching (by browsing). When adding these links we should include the phrase that the page s to be optimised for. For example:
You can also browse through our Seasonings and Spices category to search by Cuisine such as African Spices and Caribbean Spices.
All Spices
Spices and Herbs
Spices Online
Herbs and Spices Online
Title Tag
Spices and Herbs – Herbs and Spices Online
Meta Description
Buy spices and herbs from Seasoned Pioneers. We offer an easy-to-find selection of herbs and spices online. Making it easy to buy the spices and herbs you need.
Meta Keywords
spices and herbs, spices online, herbs and spices online
Herbs and Spices Online
Text Recommendations
Please include 100 words of text above the list of spices. Within this text please include: Spices and Herbs and Herbs and Spices Online once each. Also please include Spices Online a further 1 time on its own.
Under the list of spices please include at least another 200 words of text and please include Spices and Herbs and Herbs and Spices Online a further 2 times each. Again please try to includeSpices Online an additional 2 times on it’s own.
Within this text we should also try to prompt people to visit the different cuisine pages by including links through to the cuisine pages using the phrases that these pages are going to be optimised for.
Within both sets of text we should prompt people to contact you if they have any questions or want any advice.
Worldwide Spices
Herbs Online
Spices and Seasonings
Buy Spices Online
Title Tag
Herbs Online | Buy Spices Online | Spices and Seasonings
Meta Description
Buy spices online from Seasoned Pioneers. The one stop shop for spices and herbs online. Buy from a huge range of authentic herbs, spices and seasonings online.
Meta Keywords
herbs online, spices and seasonings, buy spices online
Buy Spices, Seasonings and Herbs Online
Text Recommendations
Please extend the top sentence of text to approx 100 words and please include Herbs Online, Buy Spices Online and Spices and Seasonings once each.
Under the extensive list of product please also try to include a further 200 words of text and include Herbs Online, Buy Spices Online and Spices and Seasonings two times each.
Within both sets of text we should prompt people to contact you if they have any questions or want any advice.
We should also have the product names linking through to the products. This would be more beneficial to search engines than theMore Info text linking through.
Seasonings and Spices
Spice Blends
Cooking Spices
Title Tag
Spice Blends | Cooking Spices
Meta Description
Buy cooking spices from Seasoned Pioneers. We offer a fantastic range of cooking spices and spice blends online. Browse or search for cooking spices online.
Meta Keywords
spice blends, cooking spices, spice, spices
Cooking Spices, Herbs & Seasonings
Text Recommendations
Please remove the link to the Why Seasoned Pioneers page in the text as this will move visitors to information pages instead of selling pages. Instead we should have 100 words of text above the search facility that includes Cooking Spices and Spice Blends one time each. This text should also include information on herbs and seasonings together with reasons why people should use Seasoned Pioneers.
Under the Search Results or Have You Tried section please include a further 200 words of text and please have Spice Blends and Cooking Spices a further 2 times each. Again within this text please also include information on herbs and seasonings.
Please also include prompts for people to contact you if they need help and links through to the Quick Shop page (including the phrases that this page is optimised for) and to different cuisine pages.
The links through to the cuisine pages could be included in a Most Searched For section of text or something similar.
Sauces & Ingredients
Cooking Sauces
Cooking Ingredient
Title Tag
Cooking Sauces | Cooking Ingredient
Meta Description
Buy cooking sauces and ingredients. We have an amazing easy-to-use cooking ingredient search facility. Search and buy cooking sauces and ingredients online.
Meta Keywords
cooking sauces, cooking ingredient, sauces, ingredient
Cooking Sauces & Cooking Ingredient Search
Text Recommendations
It’s good to see more text on this page. Within this 100+ words of text at the top of the page please include Cooking Sauces and Cooking Ingredient one time each.
Further down the page (below the search results) please include a further 200 words of text and please include Cooking Sauces and Cooking Ingredient a further two times each.
Within this text please also prompt people to visit your Quick Shop and Seasonings & Spices pages (obviously including the phrases they are to be optimised for as the anchor/link text).
This page should also link through to the Recipes page with some catchy text such as:
Looking for inspiration? Then why not visit our Recipe Finder page.
Recipe Finder
Recipe Finder by Ingredients
Title Tag
Recipe Finder | Recipe Finder by Ingredients
Meta Description
Recipe Finder by Ingredients: Try the amazing recipe finder at Seasoned Pioneers. We have a fantastic search facility that lets you find recipes by ingredients.
Meta Keywords
recipe finder, recipe finder by ingredients
Recipe Finder by Ingredients
Text Recommendations
Please extend the text above the search facility to 100 words and please include Recipe Finder by Ingredients once and Recipe Finder on its own once.
Under the search facility please add another 200 words of text and include Recipe Finder by Ingredients 2 times and Recipe Finderon it’s own a further 2 times.
Within this text we should include links to the Seasonings & Spices page and the Quick Shop page. We should also have a few links to some individual recipes in a small section such as Most Popular or Got To Try. This can have some links with the correct anchor/text to individual recipes. For example: Cajun Blackened Chicken Recipe
African Spices
African Herbs
African Herbs and Spices
African Spices
Title Tag
African Herbs | African Spices – African Herbs and Spices
Meta Description
Buy African Herbs and Spices Online. Seasoned Pioneers have a fantastic range of both African herbs and African spices from Peri-Peri to Tunisian five spice.
Meta Keywords
african herbs, african herbs and spices, african spices
African Herbs and Spices
Text Recommendations
Please double the amount of text at the top of the page and include African Herbs and Spices, Africa Spices and African Herbs (on it’s own) 1 time each.
Under the list of products please include another 200 words of text and include African Herbs and Spices, Africa Spices and African Herbs (on it’s own) a further 2 times each.
Within this extra text it would be good to have links to some African recipes to give people inspiration together with links to a couple of the most relevant cuisine pages (obviously having the links text as the phrase the page is optimised for).
Also as mentioned in an above Worldwide Spices page we should use the product name as the links text through to each individual product.
We should also prompt people to call the friendly experts if they need any help or advice.
Cajun Blackened Spice Blend
Cajun Spice Mix
Cajun Spice Blend
Blackened Cajun Seasoning
Title Tag
Cajun Spice Mix | Cajun Spice Blend | Blackened Cajun Seasoning
Meta Description
Buy Blackened Cajun Seasoning Online. Cajun spice mix (also known as Cajun spice blend) is available to buy online at a great price.
Meta Keywords
cajun spice mix, cajun spice blend, blackened cajun seasoning
Cajun Blackened Spice Mix
Text Recommendations
Normally when we optimise pages for individual products they become less competitive and it becomes more difficult to write 300+ words for an individual product. However if possible we should try to include 300 words of text on product pages.
Please include 50 words of text above the product and 50 words of text below the Add To Basket button. Within this text please try to include Cajun Spice Mix, Cajun Spice Blend and Blackened Cajun Seasoning once each. Within this text we should also explain that although we are using the term Cajun Spice Mix and Blend that this product is actually Blackened Cajun Seasoning but this is what most people will want if they are looking for Cajun Spice Mix. Within this explination please include a link through to the Cajun Spice Blend page.
If possible please also include a further 200 words of text under the products and include Cajun Spice Mix, Cajun Spice Blend andBlackened Cajun Seasoning another 2 times each.
Almost all of the Call To Action on this page should be focussed on prompting the visitor to buy the product, however there should also be an option to contact you within this text.
Cajun Blackened Chicken Couscous
Blackened Chicken
Cajun Chicken Recipe
Blackened Chicken Recipe
Title Tag
Cajun Chicken Recipe | Blackened Chicken Recipe
Meta Description
Cajun Chicken Recipe: Find out how to make Cajun blackened chicken online with the Seasoned Pioneers Cajun blackened chicken recipe by Anne Fenech.
Meta Keywords
blackened chicken, cajun chicken recipe, blackened chicken recipe, cajun chicken
Cajun Blackened Chicken Recipe
Text Recommendations
On this page please include approx 100 words of text above the ingredients that talks about the Cajun Blackened Chicken and please include Cajun Chicken Recipe and Blackened Chicken Recipe once each in this text. Also rather than just having Ingredients as a heading please include the name of the recipe Cajun Blackened Chicken: Ingredients.
If possible please also extend on the Recipe Method more and try to extend this to 200 words of text including Blackened Chickenonce on it’s own and Cajun Chicken Recipe and Blackened Chicken Recipe a further 2 times each. A couple of these instances can be included in headings (such as Cajun Blackened Chicken Recipe Method:) and a couple within the recipe as it refers to it self. For example: In this version of the Blackened Chicken Recipe we use vegetable stock cubes but you could also use Chicken Stock.
More Pages
What is included above covers the optimisation of existing pages. Although not all of the pages are included we have given examples of different types of pages such as sub category, recipe and product pages.
What we also discovered, in the keyphrase analysis, is that there are certain phrases we wish to capture for which there aren’t any existing pages so these will need to be created.
An example of this would be people searching for certain celebrity chef recipes – eg ‘Delia Smith curry recipes’ (remember Delia had nice things to say about seasonedpioneers).
Also we can introduce a new set of categories based around meats rather than cuisines. Such as Chicken Seasonings.
The SEO instructions for such pages are listed below but this will be a secondary objective once the existing pages have been optimised.
Delia Smith Curry Page:
Delia Smith Curry
Delia Smith Curry Recipe
Easy Curry Recipes
Title Tag
Delia Smith Curry Recipe | Easy Curry Recipes
Meta Description
Delia Smith Curry Recipe: Browse our Delia Smith easy curry recipes online. Free Delia Smith curry recipes at Seasoned Pioneers.
Meta Keywords
delia smith curry, delia smith curry, easy curry recipe
Delia Smith Easy Curry Recipes
Text Recommendations
Please write a new page that includes some easy cook curry recipes by Delia Smith. When writing this text please include Delia Smith Curry Recipe and Easy Curry Recipe 3 times each. Please also include Delia Smith Curry 2 further times on its own.
We should also create pages for other chefs and link through to their pages from this page using the phrases that their page is optimised for.
New Sub Category Pages
Chicken Seasoning
Seasoning For Chicken
Chicken Seasoning | Seasoning For Chicken
Meta Description
Chicken seasoning collection from Seasoned Pioneers. Need seasoning for chicken, then visit the Seasoned Pioneers new Chicken Seasoning Collection.
Meta Keywords
chicken seasoning, seasoning for chicken
Chicken Seasoning
Text Recommendations
Please write a new page that includes all of the different seasonings that can be used on Chicken. This can be split up into different sections. When writing this new text please include Chicken Seasoning and Seasoning For Chicken 3 times each within 300 words of text.
We should also create other pages for different types of meat including: Pork, Lamb, Fish etc… These pages should link to each other using the phrases that they are optimised for.
Please find all other relevant posts here:-
Post 1: SEO exposed and Interview with Seasoned Pioneers
Post 2: SEO Process and Objectives
Post 3: Technical Analysis and Audit
Post 4: Keyphrase and Traffic Analysis
Post 5: SEO Blueprint report
Post 6: Implementation programme
Post 7: SEO Results