Increasing your web reach – ensuring you are represented in the right places on the web
After the last stage (Increasing your web reach – Research) you should now have an idea of which websites you like and want to link or reference your website.
The next stages are to plan as efficiently as possible then follow this plan.
It is difficult to plan for something that you have never done before however it is quite straight forward to list different activities and estimate how long you think they might take. For example: Filling in a submission form on a directory will take a lot less time than submitting a Guest post for a specific topic. However the guest post will probably have a lot more value than the directory links.
So when you plan your activity you need to take this into account and don’t just think of quality or quantity but combine both. However much time you set yourself each month the majority of this time should be spend looking for and producing quality links rather than simply getting as many links as you can.
Your planning will evolve each month as you learn more about how long different tasks take as well as which resources you get more return from. But the tasks you set yourself each month should be broken up over the month and you should work on more than one type of resource each month.
You will also have to build more research into your plan to continue to find more resources.
Month 1 Sample Example Plan: 8 hours allocated
Submissions: Qualify and submit to quality local and specific directories (1 hour).
Guest Posts: Work through the Guest Post opportunities and deem which ones you can contribute to and what you will write. Then write a summary of the guest post you will provide and send it to the webmaster or editor of that Blog. (3 hours)
Suppliers & Customers websites: See which websites you would like a listing on and find your specific contact at that company. Send them a personal email about what you plan – or even better call them and explain what you want from them and whet they may get in return (possible discount etc.). (2 hours).
Research: Research into new areas should never end. Spend time either continuing to research areas you know or read great blogs like ours to get more ideas. (2 hours).
What Next?
Our next post will show how we have used a plan like this and a couple of examples on how to use the information so far to improve your website reach online.