The Manufacuring Advisory Service (MAS) is currently offering financial support to help with your web and online marketing projects.
Are you Elligible?
If you are based in the Northwest (Cumbria to Crewe – West coast to Pennines) have sales of less that £34m pa and manufacture then the answer is probably yes.
If you want to check give me a call or email (01928 788100 ; and I will check for you. We are accredited associates of MAS.
What is the scale of the support?
The project runs over 3 years and is supported by the Northwest Development Agency (NWDA) and in any one year you can get a maximum of 10 funded days – typically this will mean a 40% grant for projects of this size or less. For example a £5k project would only cost you £3k.
What sort of work is covered?
An ecommerce or web development project and/or any online marketing work – Search Marketing (SEO, Pay per Click) and associated work – eg Link Building.
Please get in touch if you need more information – 01928 788100 ;