If like us you have been following all of the Google algorithm updates over the last year you should have noticed that things have changed considerably. Google has upped its game and rather than slowly tinkering with its algorithm it has rolled out some huge updates such as the Panda and Penguin update.
Not only has Google rolled out these updates but is (on an almost monthly basis) adding to these updates to improve the searchers experience on Google. This all sounds great but there are a lot of companies that depend on Google and there are a lot of SEO companies with previously tried and tested methods that have been penalised by Google since these updates.
Recommendations before Panda
Years before the Panda update we have told our SEO clients, anyone that attends our courses (we have one later this month by the way) and well anyone that has asked that they should write interesting content for the visitor on their website pages. Oh of course we told them to also include some relevant keyphrases within this text, but not to overload the pages with meaningless content littered with keyphrases.
You would think that we would alter our advice after the Panda updates like a lot of SEO companies have but we haven’t. Although a lot has changed since we started back in the early days of Google, the Google webmaster guidelines haven’t. We have adhered to these strictly and this is why none of our clients have been penalised by any of the Panda Updates.
Recommendations before Penguin
Ever since we started we have told everyone to not just chase quick links with no thought of where they are from. We have always told people to not only find links that could help your Google listings but find links that will improve your website’s presence online. Think of the people visiting these websites and whether they would benefit from a link to your website.
There is a huge list of dodgy techniques that we don’t use such as bulk buying from other companies and countries, using automatic software, etc… We look at every website individually, we work out a strategy then we work to this manually to ensure that every link to a website is relevant and could bring business to the website in it’s own right.
With these principles in place none of our clients have been hit by any Penguin update.
Here is some information on how to improve your website’s presence online.
Proud of our work
We are very proud of what we do at Jan Klin & Associates and also take a keen interest in our clients’ websites and businesses to ensure they are doing as well as they possibly can with the marketing budget they have available.
None of our clients have been hit by any Google Updates including the recent Exact Match Domain update and we have even started taking on clients that are not happy with their SEO companies and have been hit by Penguin and Panda and have started getting their listings back again.