About Jon Seymour

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So far Jon Seymour has created 75 blog entries.

SEO News – July 2012

Google Publishes – SEO For Startups Google provides a nice 10 minute guide for small company to optimise its website for Google: Including: Registering Webmaster Tools; Performing a Background [...]

Creating An XML Sitemap

There are many tools available to create an XML sitemap one we sometimes like to use would be: http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ this allows up to 500 pages. From here you can enter your [...]

EU Cookie Law Compliance

You have probably seen that there is a new EU Cookie law. The truth is that this isn't as new as you think, ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) actually warned [...]

Link Building – Post Penguin Best Practice

Since Google's Penguin update people have been worrying about building links and the process they use to build links themselves. What is the Penguin update all about? In short, it's Google’s [...]

Adding Your Website To A Web Directory

There are a lot of articles that discuss link building. These articles always include Dos and Don'ts and where to find links. However they never actually explain how to [...]

Online Marketing News – April 2012

This month is mainly focussed on Google because Google has been even busier than usual. Google+ redesign Google have announced a number of new features for Google+ including navigation and design [...]

Splitting Up Sitemaps

Splitting up a Sitemap When a website has thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) of pages we always tell our clients to split up the Sitemaps. This is a [...]

Online Marketing News – March 2012

How Google Decide on Algorithm Changes Google add 8 cameras and 16 microphones to a Google Algorithm Change meeting and broadcast this to the world. This video shows how [...]

Google Crawl Errors – The Next Generation

Nowadays we spend a lot of time in Google Webmaster Tools ensuring that our websites are running as smoothly as possible. So it's great to hear about Google's most [...]

SEO Plus

SEO is a self contained discipline which requires understanding of the way Google ranks sites. As many know its about understanding the way Google treats content and in bound [...]

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